- T.O.O.Ms.No.126 Dt-31-05-14 regarding Interim Relief
- Minutes of Meeeting regarding Interim Relief Dt-26-05-14
- Pay
Revision-2014 proposals submitted to the Pay Revision Committee on 22-02-14
Covering Letter - T.O.O. Ms.No.34 Dt-14-02-14 Pay revision commmittee-2014
Revised-Permission from Govt for
Pay revision committee-Dt-13-02-2014 - Minutes of meeting Dt-13-02-2014
Letter to be submitted by Shift Employees for STRIKE -
Letter to be submitted by Office Employees for STRIKE - Notice-STRIKE-Dt-11-02-14-to the Management-AP POWER EMPLOYEES JAC
Permission from Govt for
Pay revision committee - Further Action
Programme-Dt-07-02-14-to the Management-AP POWER EMPLOYEES JAC
- Notice-Agitation-to the Management-AP POWER EMPLOYEES JAC
- Notice to Management-AP POWER EMPLOYEES JAC-
MASS DHARNA-28-01-14 - Representation by AP POWER EMPLOYEES
Joint Action Committee-18-12-13 - Representation by AP POWER EMPLOYEES
Joint Action Committee-22-11-13 - Representation
regarding Pay revision-2014 - HRA given to the State Government Employees
- CCA given to the State Government Employees
- Pay-Revision Orders-2010 of Management announced on 15-04-2010
- Pay Revision given to the State Government Employees by the Government
- Pay-Revision Proposals-2010 of Association submitted to the Management
- Pay-Revision Proposals-2010 of Association explained to the Pay-Revision Committee on 17-02-2010
- Pay-Revision Proposals-2010 of Management announced on 22-03-2010
- Revised Pay-Revision Proposals of Associations/Unions Dt.26.03.2010