Sample Ballot Papers (APSEBEA Elections)
List of Valid Nominations (APSEBEA 2023-25)
APSEBEA Elections (Instructions to POs Dt.29.02.2024) (1)
APSEBEA Elections (Instructions to POs Dt.29.02.2024)
APSEBEA Election Notification (Rev-02) 20.02.2024
APSEBEA Election (2023-25) Notification 12.02.2024 (1)
APSEBEA Election (2023-25) Notification 12.02.2024
APSEBEA Election (2023-25) Notification (Rev-1)
APSEBEA (2023-25) – Final Valid Nominations
APSEBEA – Guidelines to BS & PO 26.02.2024
APSEB EA-Newly Elected Body for the term of 2023-25
APSEB EA-Lr. to the R.O., 11.02.2024 (1)
APSEB EA-Lr. to the R.O., 11.02.2024
APSEBEA-Elections Notification.12.02.2024.
APSEBEA-Elections Notification.12.02.2024._Rev1