About Us

The Assistant Engineers of all branches (Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Telecom & Computers) Working in the successor entities of erstwhile A.P.S.E. Board that is APtranco, ap genco, apcpdcl, apnpdcl, apepdcl and apspdcl can become the members of the Association

The main intention behind formation of the Association is to safeguard the interest of the Graduate Engineers in respect of Service matters, working conditions, welfare measures, etc.

The Aims & Objectives of the Association are
a) To create a “Sprit do Crops” among its members.
b) To promote and protect the service conditions of the members.
c) To promote technical knowledge of the members.
d) To deal with such other issues as may be decided by the General body/General Council from time to subject to the provisions of the Societies Act.

The activities of the Association will be formulated by the Central Executive, general Council and General Body Meetings. The decisions of the Association will be implemented by the Central Body, Company Body, Zonal and Branch office-bearers. The membership of the Association is around 3,300.The Election of the Association office-bearers is by secret ballot and the term of office is 2 years.latestnews_icon

Welfare Members

Dear brother and sister Engineers The APSEB Engineers Association is working for the welfare of Assistant Engineers community. The APSEBEA has issued welfare bonds to the eligible members of the Association who paid subscription.

1. THE OBJECTS OF THE FUND The primary object of the welfare fund is to introduce and adopt measures for the welfare of the family of the member in welfare Fund, whenever sudden demise of the eligible member.


i. The membership to the Fund shall be voluntary.

ii. The Assistant Engineers shall make an application for his enrollment as a member of the fund in the prescribed form to the Chairman of the Welfare fund Committee.

3. SUBSCRIPTION FROM THE MEMBERS Subscription shall be collected from all the eligible members of the Association once in a life time. The present rate of the subscription is Rs:2000/-(Rupees Two Thousand only).

4. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS All applications shall in the first instance be investigated by the welfare fund Committee and shall forward the same with a full statement in each case, in the forms prescribed for the purpose, to the Executive Committee for disposal and issue of cheque to their nominee to an amount of Rs.100000/- (One Lakh only...)

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Life Members

Life Membership is done with 2000Rs.

Download Registration form here.